Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Post NaNoWriMo hangover!

Okay, so a week before the end of Wrimo I stopped writing for this, that, and other reasons. I fell 12,000 words behind and just gave up. UNTIL.... The afternoon of the 29th. My favorite group The Word Nerds were having a live chat with word sprints and I didn't want to miss it even though I wasn't going to win NaNo. I told my husband about it and he asked me the craziest question, "Why can't you catch up?" My response was, "Umm, it's 12K in a little over 24 hours! I can barely do that in a week!" I knew that the man was crazy, I mean he married me right? but this was bat crap lost your mind crazy! Then I started thinking about it, and thinking, and thinking. Why not? Sure, there wasn't going to be much sleeping involved, and my Keurig would be working over time, but why not?!? Can't hurt to try! So I Joined the WordNerds over on and I re-watched some of their other live write-ins, I finally went to sleep at 4 in the morning when I couldn't write a word without misspelling it, and I mean if there were more than 3 letters in it I would spell it wrong! I got 4 hours sleep and went right back to work. I sat in front of my laptop all day and even up to this point I was saying, I don't want to do this!
And maybe because I'm totally stubborn, or just plain spiteful to thoes who doubted me, or the fact that I have an awesome husband and Amazing friends cheering me on but at 11:00 pm on November 30th I finished with 50,113 words!
Thank you all for visiting my Blog, and this story goes to prove, You can do anything you set your mind to! Even if you don't think you can! Huggs from Minnesota!

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